
Fascia Distortion Model (FDM)

What is the fascial distortion model?

The fascial distortion model (FDM), as the name suggests, refers to the fascial systemwhich can be damaged by accidents or injuries. Typical injuries where the fascial system is affected are Torn muscle fibers, strained ligaments or restricted mobility. In FDM, disorders of fascial structures are analyzed, diagnosed and subsequently treated. The FDM was developed by the American osteopath Stephen Typaldos develops and coined, which was able to establish six different disorders of the fascia (“fascia distorsions”) of the musculoskeletal system. These can be improved by anatomical correction of the fasciae, respectively by changing the shape of the fasciae. The FDM helps patients directly and is one of the best forms of therapy for the immediate pain reduction.

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When and how is the fascial distortion model used?

As already alluded to, this therapy method is used for acute pain by sprains and dislocations of joints, used for bruises, back, shoulder and neck pain, as well as limited mobility. Even with a “Lumbago”with numbness, tingling or loss of strength and states of weakness the FDM can be effective.

In FDM, the professional observes the patient’s body language and performs a physical examination. anamnesis and physical examination by. Then, the appropriate form of therapy for the corresponding diagnosis is developed and supported by specific Hand grips and manipulation techniques the fascial distortions are treated. An example is when a patient feels a burning pain, which indicates a trigger band that is probably twisted. Here the therapist must try to straighten the fasciae.